
Spring Break

For spring break, my plan is to go to the Rodeo. When it first starts, on the weekend, I want to go with my group of friends. I then plan on being with my friends everyday of the break. But on Friday all the way til Sunday, I will spend my time in Dallas with my cousins. Hopefully my spring break comes out fun.


If I had 3 wishes….(blog #4)

I would be to have a wealthy and educational success in my life. To be happy all the time. lastly, I would want to grant more wishes. I wish those things because I want my life to be a good life with positive energy.


Incoming Eastwood Academy students gather to take a group picture in the gym for Boxer Camp in 2019

Eastwood Academy is located in Texas, where I attend. My school has high expectations for everyone. Mostly everyone in the school is friends with everybody. The teachers are better understanding for each student. Eastwood Academy organizes a boxer camp annually for freshman’s’/incoming students, in summer 2019 to help students socialize with each other. It helped so many students become comfortable with others. Since the boxer camp, I have became closer friends with most of my friends in Eastwood Academy.


Marissa’s trip to California

A couple months ago, I went to California with my school. We spent one whole week there. We traveled on plane to get there, and traveled on a charter bus while in California. For the first three days in California we were at a camp. Our teachers took away our phones so we can have a better experience. It was so fun and beautiful. I met so many new people from the camp and we are still friends til now. After camp, we went to a hotel to swim and rest. The next day, we went to Disneyland. It was such a cool experience, since it was my first time going. I tried so many restaurants there and bought so many things. After a 14 hour day at Disneyland, the next day we went to the museum. The museum was about the Holocaust. We then went to Dockweiler State Beach. We spent the rest of the day there, one hour before we left the beach we ate s’mores. Our last day, we had the spend our time packing our stuff and boarding the plane. It was the best experience for me since it was my first time traveling out the state.

EAHS student, Marissa, joins Austin volleyball team in the summer to help the team defeat other teams in the city of Houston

Playing sports inspires me to have high grades in school because in order to play, you must have higher than 75%.  Having higher grades makes me feel like a better person because I know it’s a higher chance of me being successful in high school. Some sports I’ve played were softball, basketball, soccer, and volleyball. Those sports are fun to play, and it helps me be better at what I do now.